Sunday, September 29, 2013

The storm

We arrived Wednesday morning.  

There is something about this place that {whispers leave is all behind}

Maybe it is in the whisper of the wind or the waves splashing ever so gently against the shore line.

Whatever it is it calms me.

Yesterday I sat with my oldest daughter on a bench along the rocky shore line of Lake Superior and we watched a storm roll in.  The waves roared their way up the rocks and splashed as high as a little girls imagination allowed.

It was beautiful.

I sat there in awe of His great love for us.

As I gazed into the beauty of the waves rolling against the rocks and violently splashing up the sides of the cliff I couldn’t help but see Him among all of it.

Life is unpredictable.
The lake reminded me of just how unpredictable life can be.  

Some days are calm and it penetrates deep in my soul. 
  My fears have no control, only peace reigns.  
 I am able to surrender and know it is all going to be OK.

 But yet there are days that take me by surprise, the shear panic of my heart searching for something that feels safe. 
Mind racing, heart trembling, fear crippling, it all accumulates and creates a perfect storm. 
 I feel as if I am wondering lost looking for a place to rest but nothing feels safe.

A while back it occurred to me how much of my life was controlled by fear.

I am not talking healthy fear, oh no, I am talking the kind of fear that cripples a spirit.

Fear fed into my need to control

Some days I find myself back there. 
 Back to the place where fear says follow me.  

I know the truth but on these days I find myself worn out from all the searching.

All I have to offer on these days is brokenness.

On these days I find my self searching trying to sort through the broken pieces and trying to piece them back together.

I am learning
Learning to be OK broken
Learning to sit long enough to find Him amidst the brokenness.
When I stop long enough I remember there is beauty in the brokenness. 
  I remember to be still and find Him right where I am, not where I want to be.

In fact I have come to realize something about myself. 
 Most often it takes a storm for me to fall to my knees and find Him in the most beautiful ways.

Storms serve purpose and when the clouds break and the sun beams through there is a promise.
I found Him today in the storm of Lake Superior.

He spoke.

He roared.

He whispered.

He calmed.

He called me to my feet.

He made Himself known in the most beautiful way.

2 Corinthians 12:10 ~

That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong

~2 pics from that day on the North Shore~

 {the storm}

 {The promise~after the storm}

Kari Jobe~ Find you on my knees

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The smallest of small

I had one of those moments this afternoon…..

The kind where you realize God is right there in the midst of the small stuff. 

The girls and I were driving this afternoon. 
  Windows rolled down.   
Hair blowing in the wind. 
  Eyes squinting partially hiding from the sun.

As I peered back to peek on Elsa something stunned me.

I don’t know if it was the look on her face or the way the sun pierced right through her eyes. 
  Maybe it was the way she seemed so focused on finding something out there.

My heart sank deep into my chest and my breath was taken.  

 I swear for a brief moment I had a glimpse of eternity.

Let me share this picture with you so you can get a better understanding of my moment.

 Friends, my sweet Elsa reminded me today to never stop looking for Him. 
 He is there in the big moments, but even better in the smallest of small that seem to pass right by.

I could have easily missed what He was offering me in this moment.  I mean really she was just looking outside her window enjoying the wind on her face!!

I wished so badly I could have just stopped time right in its tracks to absorb everything that moment had to offer me.

So often we press forward mind racing and our feeble bodies are trying to catch up.
{Heck if you have children my age lets just face it sometimes you are just wishing for a moment to breathe}

We have already moved onto the next, thoughts dredging ahead to the next task or event up ahead anxiously planning our next move. 

It saddens me to think of all the moments He has placed right in front of me and I was too distracted to even notice.

Maybe it was…..

Something special one of the girls wanted to share with me
A conversation with a friend
Alone time with my husband
An encouraging word to my mom

The list could go on and on and on and I am guessing yours could too!!

Friends He has given us a short time so why do we rush to get to the next so fast.  

The days can be long, but the moments are fleeting.

I was reminded by my beautiful Elsa to seek after Him in every moment. 
 Find what He is offering and savor EVERY. LAST. MINUTE. OF. IT.

I wish I could say every moment is as beautiful and sweet as this, but the truth is they aren't. 
But when you pause long enough you will find Him I promise.

Maybe He is chasing after your heart right now, it just might be time to slow down and let Him do some catching up.

He loves you in the big and small.

When your mind is already onto the next you have already missed the very thing He has placed right in front of you....

My prayer for YOU reading this right now is this.

God may you bless this somebody, may your light radiate through everything they come across.  May they seek you in every moment and never miss out on the smallest of small stuff.....
 In your sweet name Jesus
Matthew 6:31-34

 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’  For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.  But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

For those of you who are thinking OK crazy lady you are driving but staring at your child and taking a picture!?!?!?!?

Don’t worry no one was harmed in the making of my moment.