I was chasing healing when I'd been made well
I was fighting battles when You conquered hell
Living free but from a prison cell
Lord, I lay it down today
So I'll stop living off of how I feel
And start standing on Your truth revealed
Jesus is my strength, my shield
And He will never fail me
I was fighting battles when You conquered hell
Living free but from a prison cell
Lord, I lay it down today
So I'll stop living off of how I feel
And start standing on Your truth revealed
Jesus is my strength, my shield
And He will never fail me
~Casting Crowns~ All you ever wanted
home this evening I was having a conversation with myself about how God is
revealing Himself to me. Hmm maybe I
will sound a lot more spiritual if I say I was having a conversation with God….
that sounds better.
It went
something like this, “Maybe I continually come to this point because God is
showing me the areas that I struggle to completely surrender to Him?”
I just
want to be “fixed”. I want God to see
that I have finally reached that place in my head where I no longer struggle
with all that muck that has plagued me for some time now.
Fixed in
my mind has this warped image of some awful form of perfection. Ah the evil word perfection.
I long to
be what I feel everyone else is. Baggage
free, pure hearts, perfect moms, humbled wives, no fears, surrendered hearts,
ah my list could go on and on.
When my
mind is in a healthy place I laugh at myself because I know how unrealistic my
thought process is but when I am triggered and my mind begins to wander down
this path of self-destruction I begin to feel paralyzed with these awful fears
and tendencies to want to control aspects beyond my control.
reveals to me that I am still desperately trying to hold tight and He
continually reveals Himself in this struggle.
But I just
want to be fixed. Why is there this relentless
struggle in my heart and mind? If I am
doing it right this shouldn’t happen because I should be fixed. And if I am fixed He will love me more and I
will have a special place in His heart.
Doesn’t the
word safe just make you feel good?
Somewhere inside I just want this reassurance
that everything will be ok.
horrible thoughts won’t overtake me and make me crazy. My girls will never experience the pain I
did. I won’t die young.
I want this guarantee of safety that I will
not find on this side of heaven.
God is in
constant pursue of every area of our hearts.
He wants nothing more than for us to be growing and pressing
forward. I find myself running back to
this scripture to remind myself to never become to comfortable and numb for growth.
Romans 12:1-2
So here’s what I want you to do, God helping
you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work,
and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what
God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so
well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.
Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out.
Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the
culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God
brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
I laugh at myself sometimes when I think about how I pray to be stripped of my bondage and for God to reveal Himself and help me to move forward. But yet when He does I want to retreat back to where I feel safe!
My husband
and I were talking while we were traveling home this past weekend. My heart was troubled and I was searching for
a safe place to land. He said something
that spoke into my anxious heart. I was
sharing with him my need to want to control and how my feelings were making me
feel unsafe. I know where this struggle stems from but I
just wish it would go away and I didn’t have to struggle with it anymore. I just want these fears to go away. After sharing some more he said this to me, “Nicole
you are just a fragment of Gods story and He is going to use it to better His
kingdom no matter what. Even if
something really horrible happens He knows and He loves you. But you have to trust Him and know that He is
in control. He knows why you went through
what you have gone through and why you struggle with this. He knows that you are
going to use it to better His kingdom.” That man of mine has special ways to calm my
anxious heart.
Isn’t that
the truth though? He knows even before we
walk through it. He hears our prayers
for healing and restoration, for safety over
our lives and our children’s lives.
friends, there is pain on this side of heaven.
There is no perfect, no way we can control the outcome every time. We are not guaranteed a pain free life. But we have a loving Father who walks with us
EVERY step of the way encouraging us to hand over pieces of our hearts to him
that have been wounded, stripped of all hope, lost along the way, beaten and
bruised, used and abused, and left
searching for something unattainable here on earth.
But we can
attain an honest and real relationship with Him.
He has
only ever wanted my heart. Not the fixed
version I am constantly trying to offer Him.
But He wants the anxious, fearful, control freak I really am. It is then He can begin to heal and help me
die to my old self and be made new!
He isn’t looking to fix you He is looking to
help heal you. And if you are human like
me{I am assuming you are} we won’t be completely healed until we meet Him. But we make progress on this side of heaven.
learning that I am a constant work in progress.
I never want to become so numb to my pain that I am afraid to change and
move closer to God. I am so thankful to
serve a God that loves me through my worst fears and seeks me out in the midst
of my trials.
The reason we experience little transformation is because we have equated numbness with contentment. But living a numb life only prevents us from becoming the people God longs us to be.
~Beyond Ordinary : when a good marriage just isn't good enough~ Justin and Trisha Davis