This is a twist on my
usual blog style.
This is a Q & A with my mom!
2 Corinthians 5:17-22
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Galations 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
The last few days I
have been thinking about this and I felt God putting it on my heart over and
over again.
So I decided to approach my
mom about the idea and she thought it was a great idea.
She said if she could help people through
these questions that is what mattered to her.
First I would like to
give you some background history into my mom’s life…..
She was born in 1966
and she is the third born with two older siblings and one younger.
At the age of thirteen she made a decision to
surround herself with the wrong group of people.
So began her slow spiral into a battled life
of bad behaviors and addictions.
It may have started
off innocent but the wind picked her up fast and sent her spiraling faster than
she could keep up.
I don’t know it all,
but what I do know about her life is before the age of eighteen she was raped, she
overdosed, had an abortion, attempted suicide, and that catapulted her into a spiraled battle with addictions.
At the age of 18 she
found herself pregnant with me, in an abusive relationship and lost.
Fast forward to my
high school years.
I was a senior in
high school when I realize my mom had some serious issues and it wasn’t with
us, it was with drugs.
At this time in her
life it was meth.
I will never forget
the night I was getting ready to go out with some friends and she decided to
sit me down to let me know her boyfriend had been feeding her meth!
REALLY!! Just what every high school girl
wants to hear from their mom. It got
bad she would spend days and nights in her room.
Around this time both my brother and I
decided to live other places for a while.
Let’s fast forward to
September of 2006.
My husband and I
exchange vows September 23, 2006. Every
girls dream is to have their mother there with them supporting them and sharing
this special day. Unfortunately my mom
was too high to even remember the day.
From then on it has
been a constant up and down battle with opiates, benzos, heroin, and
2008 she ended up in the psych
ward after a failed suicide attempt.
found herself in her first treatment facility.
Soon after being released she found herself relapsing almost
After another stint in yet
another treatment facility she was hopeful.
I will never forget the phone call I got from her the very night she
left treatment.
My husband and I rushed
to her apartment to find her slurring her words, sweating profusely and pretty
much stuck in a different dimension. She
couldn’t even keep her eyes open or finish a sentence. I had never been so scared and anxious as I
was for my mom’s life as I was in that moment.
You never dream as a child that your mom is going to be a drug addict
and put drugs before her family.
Things seem to have
gotten better for a while until it came out that she had been using heroin with
a lady she met in the treatment facility.
This started one of the hardest battles she has ever faced, a gripping
life changing battle with opiates.
Around the end of
last year she found herself waking up in the ICU with tubes all over.
As she was on her way home from getting high
on heroin she went unconscious and slammed into a parked semi going 60
mph. She actually lost her life for a
few brief moments before they were able to paddle her back to life.
I will never forget the message I got from
her that Sunday morning leaving church.
I never had felt
Jesus talk so clearly to me up to that point.
I was so upset and the last thing I wanted to do was be with her. It sounds so cruel, but after years of
constant disappointment I was done.
Jesus wasn’t though.
He said go
sit with her she needs to know she is loved.
So I did, we prayed together and I just sat there offering hope.
A few months later when I went to go see her
for the first time in treatment she made a comment on how I never visited her
in the hospital.
She couldn’t even
It broke my heart because I
really thought that moment in the hospital was filled with a lot of peace, but
I knew after talking with her that moment was only meant for me and Jesus, she
was the vessel He was using to get through to me.
And that catches me
up to now.
She has been sober since
getting out of her third stint of treatment.
This last time was a lot more successful than the rest. Currently she is still doing some outpatient
therapy and lots of psychiatric counseling.
She is still awaiting criminal court.
Now that you are
caught up lets dive into the questions.
When I came to my mom with this vision for my blog post my request to
her was that she would be honest, raw and say exactly what laid on her heart
and to tell the truth.
I ask the
questions and she speaks truth about the past, future and the now.
So here it is……
Q & A with Roxann
Me: How old were you when you began using?
R: I was 13
Do you believe you
were born an addict?
R: Let’s see, I
believe I was born with depression and with the addict personality, but when I
started using at the age of 13 I believe that was a choice.
What addictions have
you battled? Drug of choice?
R: Addicted to men-
codependent! Drugs and alcohol. I have
tried coke, heroin, meth, alcohol, opiates, benzos… my drug of choice was
Why did you use? Was it fun or to mask some sort of pain/hurt?
R: Well when I was young it started out for
fun, but as I got older it was to cover up anxiety, especially social anxiety. It is very hard for me to be around people,
especially in a group setting.
As your daughter I
have watched you battle for many years.
You spent the majority of the time blaming others for your reason to
Do you still believe someone else
is to blame for your drug use? Can you
own your addiction today?
R: I am able to own
it today, but it has taken me many years and lots of treatment and counseling
to show me that truth. As an addict a
part of the addition is playing the blame game and being angry with someone –
it gives you a reason to use more.
You have hurt a lot
of people along the way with your words and actions. How do you live with those feelings/thoughts?
R: Honestly the only thing I can do and have
learned to do is forgive myself. I had
to learn how to let go and let God work.
I can’t go back into my past and change it if I worry about it too much
it can be a trigger to want to use. I
own all the bad things I have said and done.
Have you come to a
point in your life where you can see why family and friends are upset with your
choices and are hurt by the hurtful things you have said or done while you were
high? Do you think they are warranted to
their feelings?
R: Yes.
Sometimes I feel they should be even angrier with me than they are. I can’t believe the way some of them have
stepped up in support of me. One thing
that helps an addict is to have support.
Do you believe the
relationships that are still severed at this point are fixable? Can there be forgiveness from both parties?
R: I believe I need
to work very hard and it will take a lifetime of showing people so I can get
there trust back. I have to show people
that I am going to be ok without drugs.
What do you think has
kept you in bondage all these years?
R: It was hard for me to even face life, I hated
myself and I didn’t want to live. I was
suicidal. Insecurity is a big issue for
Are you angry or
bitter with yourself or anyone else at this point?
R: No
As your daughter it
breaks my heart to know that there have been many lost years. Our relationship was not one of a mother and
daughter. Do you have any regrets? What keeps you looking towards the future in
this area?
R: I have many regrets in this area. My children and family is one of my biggest
motivations not to use anymore. I lost
everything and I am beginning to see what I could have had and I don’t want to
lose it all again.
What is your biggest
trigger to want to use?
R: When I have my body aches and I don’t feel
good, I think about how the pain could just go away if I used. Anxiety is a big trigger; it is really hard
to face life without all the pills and drugs.
I know I can’t cover it up anymore though. Also I think myself and a lot of other woman
struggle with their weight and that can give you a reason to use. When I have the urge to use my mind goes to
the withdrawals, I am getting too old to go through that my body can’t handle
it anymore!
Is it a struggle to
stay sober?
R: I never realized how hard it would be. People who think it will be easy are lying to
themselves. Being high is the only way I
know how to cope. It kept me going. It is a constant battle to keep myself going
without the drugs.
Would you change your
R: For sure I would. Some parts of my past was fun, but I hardly
used in my younger days. I really didn’t
start using heavily till I was 30. God I
would give anything to change 30 on.
Are you at a point
now where you can see God working in the past and the present?
R: I have always seen
God at work, I just fall away from Him and don’t want anything to do with Him
when I use. I feel like He is trying to
show me where I am supposed to be but I am just not there yet.
When was your darkest
time with addiction?
R: When you were in high school and I was using meth. It was then when I realized I put my kids to
the side and drugs came first. You and
your brother both left. The other time
would be your wedding. I really wasn’t
there I was so high. It makes me really
sad to think about these areas. I still
struggle to forgive myself. I have forgiven
myself for most of my past but I can’t do it in these two areas.
I have spent many
years in fear of becoming you and angry at you mom, how does that make you
R: Scared to death…..
I always worried about you and Michael turning out like me. You have every right to be angry with me.
Do you still feel
judged by others?
Do you believe God loves you?
R: I believe God has
always loved me, well I think? I didn’t
give God much thought when I was using.
I didn’t care about anything or anyone, I only cared about being
high. But when I wasn’t using I always
sought God out. I feel like He has
always loved me, but I haven’t always loved myself or Him.
Can you see God in
the midst of all of this?
R: It is hard for me to be alone with God, I
think it is because I haven’t fully forgave myself yet.
Do you struggle with
who you are?
R: Oh yes for sure
Are you hopeful?
R: Very hopeful. I am the most hopeful I have ever been. I am hopeful that I can have a healthy
relationship with my family.
Now that you have
been dealing with the consequences of your actions what have been the hardest
things to face?
R: How I lost my kids, not having a relationship
with my grandchildren for the first part of their lives. Pretty much losing my life from 30-47. My body has suffered immensely from the drug
I have spent a lot of
time being angry with you. After finally
dealing with my own past and issues from growing up in an addicted home do you
notice a different in our relationship?
R:Oh definitely, I
tell people all the time how happy I am with our relationship right now. I understood your anger, it was extremely
hard for me to face your anger. You are
not so angry with me now and our relationship helps encourage me not to want to
go back to using.
What motivates you to
stay sober?
R: Honestly my
grandchildren are my biggest motivation.
I want to live the rest of my life healthy for myself and my
family. My relationship with my sister,
it has been nice spending time with her.
It is nice not having to lie anymore.
If someone reading
this was struggling with addiction what kind of advice would you give them?
R: I believe what saved me was actually getting
help! Don’t be afraid of treatment it
isn’t that bad and it REALLY DOES HELP!
Do you really want to be all alone because that is where addiction gets
you? Do you like the withdrawals and
being sick all the time, there is so much more to life. It took me almost dying and being court
ordered to get help, but I believe it really is the only way most people can
quit, is by getting help. If you don’t
quit now you will end up getting caught, take it from me it catches up to
you. It may seem to start off innocent
but in the end you get caught. You will
either end up in jail or treatment or both!
Addiction might make you feel invisible but you’re not. Don’t be afraid of the help reaching out to
What has been the
hardest part about your journey as an addict?
R: Losing
everything! My family, job, marriages, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING! I didn’t believe it would happen, but it did. A man I used to work with told me, “Roxann
you continue down this path you will lose everything”, he was right. I did lose it all. I never would have believed him then. The drugs blind you to this truth
What does the future
hold for you?
R: Trying to stay sober. Being a Grandma, and hopefully growing old
with my husband.
And last question, do
you believe you are beautiful?
R: Oh boy that is a
hard one. Truthfully NO I don’t think I
am beautiful. I have always been
insecure about myself. I used drugs to
make me feel like I was beautiful. When
I was high everything felt good and I was beautiful.
She ended the conversation with this... Addiction is a lost battle. You have two choices get clean and start new or continue spiraling until you end up dying.
I stumbled upon this
song folding laundry the other day while my mom was downstairs playing with the
girls. All these questions and visions
for this blog where running through my head.
This song came on the radio and I got chills.
My mind immediately went to my mom.
I ended our Q & A with the question; do
you think you are beautiful?
Even in our darkest
days God can and will make ALL things beautiful.
As His children we need to be willing to let
Him make us new.
Every day we wake up
and face a new day and are given a new chance to start over.
Psalm 139:13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Gungor -- Beautiful things
All this pain
I wonder if I’ll ever find my way
I wonder if my life could really change at all
All this earth
Could all that is lost ever be found
Could a garden come up from this ground at all
I wonder if I’ll ever find my way
I wonder if my life could really change at all
All this earth
Could all that is lost ever be found
Could a garden come up from this ground at all
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us
God makes beautiful
things out of dust.
Is that statement
ever true!
He takes a broken and
lost life and makes it new again.
It has been very easy
to look at my mom and see nothing but a failure.
In my eyes that is what she was to me for the
majority of my life.
Haven’t we all
failed though?
Adam and Eve decided our fate
for us….. Sinners.
We are all broken
We all have a story.
But it doesn't end there!
This is her story.
It hasn’t always been beautiful; in fact she
has lost it all because of choices she has made. Watching
it fall to the ground and disintegrate into dust.
God refused to let go
Little did she know He was and is making
beautiful things out of her life.
He really does make
beautiful things out of dust
He makes us new
We must hold on to
the fact that in His timing He is making all things new. No matter how far down a dark road you have
traveled He is and has been with you. He
can redeem even the darkest days, the deepest hurts and the most broken people.
You make beautiful things out of us
Only a beautiful mom can be the mother to as beautiful a person as you are, Nicole. Only a beautiful grandma could have two adorable granddaughters as you do, RoxAnn. I thank you, RoxAnn, from the bottom of my heart for bringing this BEAUTY to the Heyer family. I love you. Debi Heyer
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Nicole. Thank you for sharing this story. :)